By Orthodontic Gallery on Malocclusion and Oral Hygiene. What is a Malocclusion? Malocclusion, is a condition in which the teeth and jaws are misaligned. Misalignment can occur in the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Misaligned teeth can lead to an uneven bite that affects chewing and speaking abilities. Misaligned teeth can also cause overcrowding…
By Orthodontic Gallery on Direct-To-Consumer Braces and Orthodontics At-Home Braces vs In Practice Teeth Straightening Direct-to-consumer or at-home braces have grown in popularity as people seek an easy and discreet way to straighten their teeth. But can these at-home aligners offer the same level of safety and efficacy that in practice, qualified Orthodontists provide? With…
By Orthodontic Gallery on Fixed Braces and Oral Hygiene. Keeping Your Braces Clean Taking care of your oral hygiene is always important, but it is even more so when you have braces. When wearing braces, tiny bits of food can become trapped between the brackets and wires on your teeth and if these are not…
By Orthodontic Gallery on Lingual Braces and Orthodontics. Lingual braces are a a discreet alternative to traditional fixed braces that are fitted and hidden behind your teeth. Lingual braces have come a long way since their invention in the 70s. What was once considered bulky and not at all effective is now one of the…
By Orthodontic Gallery on Diastema and Orthodontics. What is a Diastema? A diastema is a gap between two teeth, commonly the upper central incisors, however a gap between two teeth can occur between any teeth. In this blog we will look at the treatment of a diastema caused by an oversized labial frenum (the tissue…
By Orthodontic Gallery on OrthoGallery for kids and Orthodontics. OrthoGallery for kids! We are excited to introduce our newest Orthodontic treatment option for children, OrthoGallery for kids! If your child is on a long NHS waiting list or has not qualified for NHS treatment, our braces are a great alternative. The Treatment We are offering…
By Orthodontic Gallery on Orthodontics and Retainers. What is an Orthodontic relapse? An Orthodontic relapse is when a patient’s teeth move out of their new alignment and back to their original position after their active Orthodontic treatment. This is usually due patients not wearing their retainers. It is vital to wear your retainers as prescribed…
By Orthodontic Gallery on Orthodontics and Anterior Open Bite. What is an Anterior Open Bite? An anterior open bite refers to a type of Orthodontic malocclusion. This type of malocclusion has no vertical overlap or contact between the anterior incisors. Which, put simply, means the front upper and lower teeth slant outward, so they don’t…
By Orthodontic Gallery on Braces And Aftercare. Brace Aftercare Taking care of your braces is as important to your treatment and results as having the actual brace fitted! Some people experience very few problems after having their braces fitted, while others find the adjustment more difficult. Here are some handy brace aftercare tips to help…
By Orthodontic Gallery on Orthodontics, Braces, Retainers & Brace Care and Children’s Orthodontics At Orthodontic Gallery our advice is, that you must wear your retainers for as long as you want straight teeth. Over time and with the addition of fixed bonded retainers you may wear your removable retainers less often. But, we will never advise you…